Friday, February 19, 2010

Some photos for Mom (and everyone else too)

Hey Mom it's a Guanaco! We saw this handsome devil on the Peninsula Valdez. Do you think he could be Fearless' an ancient ancestor?

These are about 3 month old Elephant Seals, but already HUGE. Our guide warned us that they were big fat blobs who just sit there or else they over heat. Good to know or we might have thought they were all dead.
Lindsay acting nonchalant right before the giant sand storm behind her hit us. I had to get a picture even though at this point the wind was raging and blowing sand was already everywhere.
The Sea Lion colony at Punta Lame-o. The colony was actually really cool for the 30 minutes we got to see them before the wind forced us to leave.
Mother and pup Sea Lions at Peninsula Valdez.
One of the thousands of Penguins we saw at Punta Tombo. Also only one of a thousand pictures we took of these cute little guys.
Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces National Park from the back of the boat we took to get to the Los Alerces trees.
Me standing next to an Alerces tree. I think this one is around 600-800 years old.
Part of the trail through Los Alerces. The forest had a lot of a bamboo species growing in it. Sometimes it felt more like hiking in Asia then South America.
Torrecillas Glacier seen from the boat.
This was taken on the ride from Esquel to Los Alerces. Its where the Patagonia Steppe meets the lakes and mountains of the Lake District. Big and beautiful.
The Bosque Tallado (aka worked forest) on the Piltriquitron mountain.

Another carved tree trunk in the Bosque Tallado with El Bolson's valley in the background.
The view of the valley from Piltriquitron.

View of Bariloche and the surrounding Nahuel Huapi National Park from the Cerro Otto trail.


  1. These are picture postcard photos! Amazing! I want to take a year off to do this trip but I doubt I would be as adventuous or have the resilience that you two have.

  2. Those are some fantastic photos--particlarly the Bosque.
